189 research outputs found

    Modelling, Reverse Engineering, and Learning Software Variability

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    The society expects software to deliver the right functionality, in a short amount of time and with fewer resources, in every possible circumstance whatever are the hardware, the operating systems, the compilers, or the data fed as input. For fitting such a diversity of needs, it is common that software comes in many variants and is highly configurable through configuration options, runtime parameters, conditional compilation directives, menu preferences, configuration files, plugins, etc. As there is no one-size-fits-all solution, software variability ("the ability of a software system or artifact to be efficiently extended, changed, customized or configured for use in a particular context") has been studied the last two decades and is a discipline of its own. Though highly desirable, software variability also introduces an enormous complexity due to the combinatorial explosion of possible variants. For example, the Linux kernel has 15000+ options and most of them can have 3 values: "yes", "no", or "module". Variability is challenging for maintaining, verifying, and configuring software systems (Web applications, Web browsers, video tools, etc.). It is also a source of opportunities to better understand a domain, create reusable artefacts, deploy performance-wise optimal systems, or find specialized solutions to many kinds of problems. In many scenarios, a model of variability is either beneficial or mandatory to explore, observe, and reason about the space of possible variants. For instance, without a variability model, it is impossible to establish a sampling strategy that would satisfy the constraints among options and meet coverage or testing criteria. I address a central question in this HDR manuscript: How to model software variability? I detail several contributions related to modelling, reverse engineering, and learning software variability. I first contribute to support the persons in charge of manually specifying feature models, the de facto standard for modeling variability. I develop an algebra together with a language for supporting the composition, decomposition, diff, refactoring, and reasoning of feature models. I further establish the syntactic and semantic relationships between feature models and product comparison matrices, a large class of tabular data. I then empirically investigate how these feature models can be used to test in the large configurable systems with different sampling strategies. Along this effort, I report on the attempts and lessons learned when defining the "right" variability language. From a reverse engineering perspective, I contribute to synthesize variability information into models and from various kinds of artefacts. I develop foundations and methods for reverse engineering feature models from satisfiability formulae, product comparison matrices, dependencies files and architectural information, and from Web configurators. I also report on the degree of automation and show that the involvement of developers and domain experts is beneficial to obtain high-quality models. Thirdly, I contribute to learning constraints and non-functional properties (performance) of a variability-intensive system. I describe a systematic process "sampling, measuring, learning" that aims to enforce or augment a variability model, capturing variability knowledge that domain experts can hardly express. I show that supervised, statistical machine learning can be used to synthesize rules or build prediction models in an accurate and interpretable way. This process can even be applied to huge configuration space, such as the Linux kernel one. Despite a wide applicability and observed benefits, I show that each individual line of contributions has limitations. I defend the following answer: a supervised, iterative process (1) based on the combination of reverse engineering, modelling, and learning techniques; (2) capable of integrating multiple variability information (eg expert knowledge, legacy artefacts, dynamic observations). Finally, this work opens different perspectives related to so-called deep software variability, security, smart build of configurations, and (threats to) science

    Reproducible Science and Deep Software Variability

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    International audienceBiology, medicine, physics, astrophysics, chemistry: all these scientific domains need to process large amount of data with more and more complex software systems. For achieving reproducible science, there are several challenges ahead involving multidisciplinary collaboration and socio-technical innovation with software at the center of the problem. Despite the availability of data and code, several studies report that the same data analyzed with different software can lead to different results. I am seeing this problem as a manifestation of deep software variability: many factors (operating system, third-party libraries, versions, workloads, compile-time options and flags, etc.) themselves subject to variability can alter the results, up to the point it can dramatically change the conclusions of some scientific studies. In this keynote, I argue that deep software variability is a threat and also an opportunity for reproducible science. I first outline some works about (deep) software variability, reporting on preliminary evidence of complex interactions between variability layers. I then link the ongoing works on variability modelling and deep software variability in the quest for reproducible science

    Multimorphic Testing

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    International audienceThe functional correctness of a software application is, of course, a prime concern, but other issues such as its execution time, precision , or energy consumption might also be important in some contexts. Systematically testing these quantitative properties is still extremely difficult, in particular, because there exists no method to tell the developer whether such a test set is "good enough" or even whether a test set is better than another one. This paper proposes a new method, called Multimorphic testing, to assess the relative effectiveness of a test suite for revealing performance variations of a software system. By analogy with mutation testing, our core idea is to vary software parameters, and to check whether it makes any difference on the outcome of the tests: i.e. are some tests able to " kill " bad morphs (configurations)? Our method can be used to evaluate the quality of a test suite with respect to a quantitative property of interest, such as execution time or computation accuracy

    Next-Generation Model-based Variability Management: Languages and Tools

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    International audienceVariability modelling and management is a key activity in a growing number of software engineering contexts, from software product lines to dynamic adaptive systems. Feature models are the defacto standard to formally represent and reason about commonality and variability of a software system. This tutorial aims at presenting next generation of feature modelling languages and tools, directly applicable to a wide range of model-based variability problems and application domains. Participants (being practitioners or academics, beginners or advanced) will learn the principles and foundations of languages and tool-supported techniques dedicated to the model-based management of variability

    SPLTea 2015: Second International Workshop on Software Product Line Teaching

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    International audienceEducation has a key role to play for disseminating the constantly growing body of Software Product Line (SPL) knowledge. Teaching SPLs is challenging; it is unclear, for example , how SPLs can be taught and what is the material available. This workshop aims to explore and explain the current status and ongoing work on teaching SPLs at universities, colleges, and in industry (e.g., by consultants). This second edition will continue the effort made at SPLTea'14. In particular we seek to design and populate an open repository of resources dedicated to SPL teaching

    Composing Feature Models

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    International audienceFeature modeling is a widely used technique in Software Product Line development. Feature models allow stakeholders to describe domain concepts in terms of commonalities and differences within a family of software systems. Developing a complex monolithic feature model can require significant effort and restrict the reusability of a set of features already modeled. We advocate using modeling techniques that support separating and composing concerns to better manage the complexity of developing large feature models. In this paper, we propose a set of composition operators dedicated to feature models. These composition operators enable the development of large feature models by composing smaller feature models which address well-defined concerns. The operators are notably distinguished by their documented capabilities to preserve some significant properties

    Imaging Services on the Grid as a Product Line: Requirements and Architecture

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    International audienceSOA is now the reference architecture for medical imaging processing on the grid. Imaging services must be composed in workfows to implement the processing chains, but the need to handle end-to-end qualities of service hampered both the provision of services and their composition. This paper analyses the variability of functional and non functional aspects of this domain and proposes a first architecture in which services are organized within a product line architecture and metamodels help in structuring necessary information

    Separation of Concerns in Feature Modeling: Support and Applications

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    International audienceFeature models (FMs) are a popular formalism for describing the commonality and variability of software product lines (SPLs) in terms of features. SPL development increasingly involves manipulating many large FMs, and thus scalable modular techniques that support compositional development of complex SPLs are required. In this paper, we describe how a set of complementary operators (aggregate, merge, slice) provides practical support for separation of concerns in feature modeling. We show how the combination of these operators can assist in tedious and error prone tasks such as automated correction of FM anomalies, update and extraction of FM views, reconciliation of FMs and reasoning about properties of FMs. For each task, we report on practical applications in different domains. We also present a technique that can efficiently decompose FMs with thousands of features and report our experimental results

    Piloting Copilot and Codex: Hot Temperature, Cold Prompts, or Black Magic?

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    Language models are promising solutions for tackling increasing complex problems. In software engineering, they recently attracted attention in code assistants, with programs automatically written in a given programming language from a programming task description in natural language. They have the potential to save time and effort when writing code. However, these systems are currently poorly understood, preventing them from being used optimally. In this paper, we investigate the various input parameters of two language models, and conduct a study to understand if variations of these input parameters (e.g. programming task description and the surrounding context, creativity of the language model, number of generated solutions) can have a significant impact on the quality of the generated programs. We design specific operators for varying input parameters and apply them over two code assistants (Copilot and Codex) and two benchmarks representing algorithmic problems (HumanEval and LeetCode). Our results showed that varying the input parameters can significantly improve the performance of language models. However, there is a tight dependency when varying the temperature, the prompt and the number of generated solutions, making potentially hard for developers to properly control the parameters to obtain an optimal result. This work opens opportunities to propose (automated) strategies for improving performance.Comment: 14 pages, 3 Figures (not counted the subfigures), 10 Table
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